Monica J. Holmes is a student in the Post-baccalaureate Premedical Program at the University of Michigan Medical School. In January 2019 she joined the Boyle Lab in the Department of Human Genetics and the Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics at the University of Michigan as a volunteer biomedical researcher. The Boyle Lab combines computational approaches with high-throughput biological assays to better understand the whole human transcriptional regulatory system.
From 2016-2017 Monica was a Major Gifts Officer at the University of Michigan Heath System where she led an Endowed Professorship campaign in the Department of Surgery. She worked for Masco Cabinetry in the Financial Planning and Analysis Department from 2014-2016. As a Financial Analyst, she worked with senior level management to develop line level operating budgets and monthly forecasts. As a Controller, she was responsible for the Retail channel and was the lead analyst in cost reduction plan development and performance tracking of effort resulting in significant year-over-year savings.
Previously she has served as a Board Member of the Junior League and the Ann Arbor Film Festival, and as a member of the Planning Committee for many Michigan nonprofit organizations such as C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, NorthStar Reach, The ChadTough Foundation, and Ele’s Place.
Monica earned a B.A. from the University of Michigan.