Burns and colleagues at First Tee – Greater Detroit participated in the Paul W. Smith Golf Classic which raised more than $400,000 for local charity participants
Hello, and welcome to August. These summer months certainly go by quickly.
The Children’s Foundation continues to be extremely busy with several new initiatives over the last month.
I am delighted to report that The Children’s Foundation is now the affiliate partner of First Tee. As you know, First Tee is a national organization with approximately 150 chapters throughout the country and beyond. Our chapter, First Tee of Greater Detroit, will be developing a Board of Directors, hiring an executive director, and most importantly beginning to plan how to serve more children in the city of Detroit.
I am also pleased to announce a new initiative with the newly established Total Health Care Foundation, which provides funds for solutions that address social determinants of health. The Children’s Foundation and our team of grant experts will be assisting Total Health Foundation’s efforts to provide worthy organizations with much needed funding.
This past month we also participated in the 17th Annual Paul W Smith Golf Classic. This outing supports four wonderful Detroit-based charities including Detroit PAL, Variety Detroit, The Children’s Center and Children’s Foundation.
That is it for now. As I like to say…We’re on the Move!

Lawrence J. Burns
President & CEO