
Fulfilling Entrepreneurs 4 Kids’ mission while building relationships

On June 9, Entrepreneurs 4 Kids (E4K) safely gathered 25 guests including its founding members at Tom and Stephanie Fraser’s home for motivational stories from youth, a speed-networking activity, and door prizes. A sunny evening with a shimmering lake in the background set the scene for a lively gathering of leaders.

Attendees connected with each other as the business community engaged in a discussion led by Bob Coury, managing director and CEO of Greenwich Capital Group, about the key elements of successful entrepreneurship that would inspire youth to navigate life with an entrepreneurial mindset. Reflecting on their unique career path, everyone was able to visualize and roleplay how to best advise and mentor a student in their own career journey.

Later in the evening, a letter from FATE alum, Shamon, was shared. As an E4K academic partner, Give Merits FATE helps students prepare for future opportunities through a cohort-based program that emphasizes the value of education and its role in achieving long-term career and personal goals. Shamon stated in his letter that “FATE is a family I never knew I needed. They always managed to show me that I fit into the bigger picture.”

Shamon’s statement reinforced the importance of supporting our future generation of leaders through partnerships with organizations committed to the health and well-being of children — work to which E4K, and The Children’s Foundation, is deeply dedicated.

Shamon is now living in Los Angeles, pursuing his career in the film industry.

E4K is currently raising an additional $50,000 to build ten scholarships for local youth, an investment in the trajectory of students’ lives. Each contribution of time, talent, and resources makes a difference.

The event ended with smiles wide and all around, successful in relationship-building, brainstorming, and taking a step forward together towards E4K’s mission of providing mentorship and opportunity to local youth.

E4k’s next event is on Thursday August 12 at 11:30am. There, E4K members will have the chance to collaborate on real-time obstacles they are facing within their companies or careers. E4K peer-consulting workshops are designed to offer members from different industries the opportunity to look at a problem or issue and collaborate on ways to navigate through. Business consultant and E4K founding member, Dave Crysler, will be leading the session.

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