When you think about your favorite childhood memories, there are few that compare to riding your bike. As a kid, there is nothing like feeling the wind in your hair and freedom at your fingertips as you race off with neighborhood friends.
Moments like those are ones every child deserves. Unfortunately, many kids go without a bike to ride because they are a luxury some families cannot afford. That’s why Free Bikes 4 Kidz (FB4K) does their important work – to help all kids ride into a happier, healthier childhood by providing bikes to those most in need.
“Every year 25 million bikes are sold in the US. A third of those bikes are sized for a child, and since kids grow like weeds, more than 8 million bikes are virtually outgrown each year,” said Larry Fieroh, operations director, Free Bikes 4 Kidz Detroit.
In 2018, the sustainable organization began their mission in the Detroit area, collecting donated bikes, cleaning, and refurbishing them, to then give them away to kids. FB4K Detroit is the eighth of twelve affiliates across the U.S and since they joined this community, they have given away almost 5,000 bikes!
The Children’s Foundation has joined them in their pursuit by awarding more than $22,000 in grant funding to support the purchase of bike parts, tools, and supplies, as well as contract mechanics.
In October, FB4K hosted their collection day at 22 participating Home Depot locations across Southeast Michigan. From Lansing to Ann Arbor to Chesterfield, the public dropped off gently used bikes to fix them for children in need. In a single day, the organization collected more than 2400 bikes! The bikes were then transported to a warehouse on Michigan Ave donated by The Piston Group; FB4K volunteers and contractors will refurbish the bikes in time to get them to kids for Christmas.
“We are taking advantage of this endless supply and capitalizing on the availability of these outgrown bikes to give kids in need a childhood they deserve.” Fieroh said. “While the memories of bike riding are important, so is the benefit of exercise for these kids. With help from The Children’s Foundation, Free Bikez 4 Kids can continue helping kids make lasting memories while also addressing physical health.”
To learn more about Free Bikes 4 Kidz or if you are interested in volunteering to clean and fix collected bikes in time for Christmas, click here.