
A letter from Larry – February 2022

Hello and welcome to our February update.

Well, 2022 is off to a quick start for The Children’s Foundation.

We are very excited about our upcoming Child & Adolescent Behavioral Health Summit that will take place in-person on April 12 at the Inn at St. John’s in Plymouth, Mich. We have a terrific lineup of speakers and tickets are now available. I hope you can join us for this important event.

We also have a major announcement in February regarding one of our endowed chairs – The Patricia H. Rodzik Endowed Chair for Youth Behavioral Health. This chair was recently awarded to Dr. Matt LaCasse, a pediatric psychiatrist who cares for patients at Children’s Hospital of Michigan every day as part of their holistic approach to providing for patients physical and mental needs. Look for more information regarding Dr. LaCasse and this endowed chair activity in the months ahead. Congratulations Dr. LaCasse. Onward!

We have a lot of exciting things going on with our affiliates as well, including the Jamie Daniels Foundation, Paul W. Smith Charities, and First Tee-Greater Detroit. All are getting ready for special events and fundraising activities throughout this year. Look for more information regarding each of these affiliates as we move forward.

We are also looking forward to celebrating Black History Month by sharing renowned leaders’ wise words and stories from yesterday and today.

Thank you for your ongoing support and I look forward to keeping you posted on all our activities throughout the year.


Lawrence J. Burns
President & CEO

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