In any given year, 20% of children will be diagnosed with a mental illness (CDC, 2018).
The importance of mental health has increased in recent years, becoming a major topic especially among our youth. For this reason, The Children’s Foundation has made Mental Health one of its primary focus areas. Our goal is to change the conversation, provide help and solutions to struggling youth, and establish preventive measures for all children and young adults.
We ask that you join us in support of Mental Health Month, which aims to raise awareness for mental health by fighting stigma, providing support, educating the public, and advocating for equal care. Here are five ways you can participate and shed light on this important topic:
Wear Green
Green is the color used to show mental health awareness, symbolizing support for mental illnesses and fighting stigma associated with it. We encourage you to wear green and post your picture on social media to share the message and show your commitment to changing the conversation about mental health. Don’t forget to tag us!
Take the #NOSHAME Pledge
Did you know stigma is the number one barrier to seeking help for mental health challenges and addiction? You can help create change and pledge to end that very stigma that is holding back so many from getting the support and services they need and deserve to live a happy, fulfilling life. Join us and our initiative, the Jamie Daniels Foundation, in taking the SAFE Project’s #NOSHAME pledge, here.
Join the Feinberg Hope Foundation virtual 5k walk/run
Our initiative, Feinberg Hope Foundation, is hosting a virtual 5k run/walk as an opportunity to raise funds and awareness for substance use disorder and mental health. The event includes t-shirt sales and will take place May 23-27. This walk/run is great opportunity for you to share Feinberg Hope Foundation’s mission and important work to help those struggling with substance use disorder receive necessary and quality care to live healthy and fulfilling lives. To learn more, click here.
Create a fundraising campaign to support improving youth mental health
At The Children’s Foundation, mental health is one of main granting and advocacy priority areas. We understand the urgency of this issue and how it impacts our youth. That’s why we’ve developed countless formative partnerships and granted millions of dollars to programs, researchers, and educators who further this discussion, grow awareness, and implement solutions to improve mental health of children, adolescents, and young adults.
You can be part of our efforts by creating your own campaign to support mental health. The funds you raise for The Children’s Foundation will provide opportunities for children can grow and thrive. We thank you for your generosity! To start your own fundraiser, click here.
Be an example to the kids in your life
Sometimes, making a child’s mental health a priority means first making your own mental health a priority. As a parent, guardian, or role model, it’s important that you take the time to understand how mental health factors into a child’s life and be willing to help them understand how it contributes to their overall well-being.
Ways you can do this include talking about mental health, share your feelings, managing time on technology, exercising, eating healthy, and getting a proper amount of sleep. For more resources to engage children’s mental health or how to support them in a specific struggles they may be facing, click here.