
Round two 2022 grant awards add 17 new community partners

The Children’s Foundation is pleased to announce it has awarded 59 new grants in its round two of 2022 grant cycles, which includes awards to 17 new community partners!

When added to its previous 2022 grant cycle, The Foundation has awarded $7 million to support projects in community benefit, research, and educational pillar. To date, the Foundation has granted $80 million to more than 160 community partners in Michigan and beyond.

The Children’s Foundation remains dedicated to being the premier foundation focused on the health and well-being of children and their families by working collaboratively with other organizations in the community. Below is a list of 2022 grant recipients, as well as corresponding projects – our newest partners are highlighted in blue:

Pediatric Research:

Wayne State University to support a study to determine whether an HDAC inhibitor will enhance Venetoclax and Azacitdine activity in cytarabine-resistant AML cells

Wayne State University to support investigation of the immune composition and activation status of T and NK cells and their proliferative capacity in autografts from patients undergoing stem cell transplant for lymphoma and multiple myeloma

University Pediatricians to support evaluation of long term COVID respiratory related complications in children who were admitted and treated for significant COVID-19 pneumonia

University Pediatricians to support investigation of whether electronic health records (EHR) can be used to study pulmonary embolism in children in partnership with Children’s Hospital of Philidelphia

Wayne State University to support lab supplies to determine if combined use of AZD4573 and Venetoclax will work against AML resistant to standard therapies

Community Benefit:

Children’s Hospital of Michigan to support operations of a center providing mental health services to adolescents

Wayne State University to continue behavioral health services in the Children’s Hospital of Michigan General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine Clinic and the Hamtramck School Based Health Center

Autism Alliance of Michigan to help support statewide expansion of a program providing support and referral services to caregivers of individuals with Autism

Ten-Sixteen to support a substance use recovery program at Central Michigan University, Ferris State University, and Mid-Michigan College

Michigan Immigrant Rights Center to support a bilingual paralegal position to coordinate a pro bono program

Samaritas to support a health navigator position to help refugee families assess their children’s needs and connect them with community resources

Leaders Advancing and Helping Communities to support a substance use prevention program taught to students at Edsel Ford High School and Dearborn Public Schools Virtual High School and their families

Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids to support a therapist position to provide mental and behavioral health services at three club locations in the Grand Rapids area

Brilliant Detroit to sustain and expand social-emotional programming across six Brilliant Detroit Community hubs

Michigan State University to support a substance use recovery program for students

Oakland University to support a substance use recovery program for students

Jalen Rose Leadership Academy to provide training in support of restorative justice interventions for high school students at JRLA

Communities First, Inc. to support physical improvements to a community center to improve the quality of life for youth and their families in Flint

Downtown Boxing Gym to support a mentorship program focusing on academics, athletics, and other interests of Detroit students

Detroit Fitness Foundation to support afterschool and weekend bike riding programs for youth of all ages and skill levels at the Lexus Velodrome

Saginaw Spirit to provide educational programing for youth about substance use disorder, mental health, child abuse and neglect

LifeLab Kids Foundation to support gerneral building and sensory gym construction to expand LifeLab services to Macomb County

Vista Maria to support a mentor coordinator position to connect girls and young women residing at Vista Maria with positive adult role models

Children’s Hospital of Michigan to support community initiaves as approved by the Children’s Foundation’s President and CEO

Friends of the Children to provide coaching, wellness, and development programs for families to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty

Living & Learning Enrichment Center to provide scheduled weekend activities in a variety of genres for youth with developmental disabilities to help them socialize while having fun

Friendship Circle to support overnight and day camp sessions for youth with developmental disabilities at North Start Reach

The Children’s Center to provide beds, car seats, and basic needs for underserved children and families

Math Corps to support a summer math skills camp that utilizes college and high school students as tutors and mentors for younger students

Free Bikes 4 Kidz to support a program to repair and clean bicycles that are given to Detroit children in need

Figure Skating in Detroit to provide gender appropriate fitness, nutrition, leadership, and STEM education activities for girls and young women of color in Detroit

The Children’s Foundation and The Catholic Foundation to support the Detroit Youth Philanthropy Council, a program to teach a group of high school students about philanthropy, culminating in an opportunity to grant funds to community programs that they have researched and want to support

Kids on the Go to provide nutritional wellness and employment programming for youth with developmental disabilities

Lighthouse Immigrant Advocates to support asylum clinics and training

Southwest Detroit Immigrant & Refugee Center to support asylum clinics and training

Inclusively Fit to continue training to provide personalized fitness programs for special needs clients in their homes

The Saturday Scholar for an education and information program to help youth and their families prepare for college testing, applications, and financing

Regents of the University of Michigan to support a student substance use recovery program at the University of Michigan

Washtenaw Community College to support collegiate recovery meetings, training, events, and service opportunities

Wayne State University to support educational materials, brochures, and social media to help educate the community on poison control

Child & Family Services of Northwest Michigan to provide evening and weekend salary support for human services staff who accompany and remain with foster children in crisis to the Emergency Department

Detroit Youth Sports Commission to support a mentorship, life skills, and success program that uses baseball to engage youth

Life Directions to support a program to increase resilience and reduce risk factors for behavioral, emotional, academic, and social problems

Detroit Historical Society for a summer camp focused on the maritime history of Detroit

Neway Works to support a tutoring and mentoring program for underserved students

Detroit Institute of Children to support summer and afterschool programming to help youth with developmental disabilities keep up academically with their peers

Children’s Hospital of Michigan for the purchase of iPads for patient and family education in clinic and expenses of an educational family event

Children’s Hospital of Michigan to support part-time seasonal help for a community giving program during the holidays

Miracle League of Plymouth to support sensory friendly family events for youth with developmental disabilities

Children’s Hospital of Michigan and University Pediatricians to support expenses of a low protein picnic for patients and families of the CHM Metabolic Clinic

Medical Education:

University Pediatricians to provide a fourth year of training in a cardiology subspecialty for a fellow at CHM

City Year Detroit to provide TRAILS training for AmeriCorps members who are working with students in the Detroit Public Schools Community District

Wayne State University to send members of the Poison Control Center to an educational event

University Pediatricians to support speaker honorariums for up to 9 Grand Rounds presentations at Children’s Hospital of Michigan

University Pediatricians to support a skills boot camp for Emergency Department fellows

Children’s Hospital of Michigan to support an annual conference on quality and safety of care topics

Children’s Hospital of Michigan to support speaker travel expenses for Point of Care Ultrasound Education

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